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- Union Aerospace Corporation SECURTIY ACCESS 1
- Technical Guide of the Lower Decks and Engineering
- WARNING: Possible Spoilers Below.
- * Standard Features of Most Rooms:
- Doorway heat sensors turn on the room's lights.
- Air ducts/service paths gives better access to the
- rooms.
- Armory: Protective shields and keycard access protect this room from being
- looted by unruly personnel. Ammunition, backpacks, and other goodies
- are located here.
- Blast Doors: Are automatically sealed when intruders are detected within
- the ship or if the ship gets damaged. Manual override switches are
- located near the doors and require an access card to use.
- Cargo Bay/Hanger: Enough room is provided for a shuttle to land and cargo to
- be stored. A powerful force field is located here to provide
- protection against accidental blow-outs. A cargo-lift makes it
- easier to move things around.
- Cargo Bay Transporters: These are long range transporters that can teleport
- objects and creatures over vast distances which would take a much
- longer time to travel with a shuttle.
- Computer/Power Room: The HAL 2000 CPU is located here. The manual override
- switches to force fields are along the walls of this room.
- Elevators: Are located in various sections of the lower decks. They provide
- access to various floors and can be activated with switches.
- Hibernation Room: Each hibernation chamber can hold one person. To open a
- chamber, locate corresponding switch on the walls. Basic medical
- supplies and personal equipment are usually placed along the storage
- bays of the wall. Emergency door switch is provided in case of
- power loss.
- Main Engineering: Here one will find a heavily shielded fusion reactor. An
- electric grid is located in a pit surrounding the reactor. Access to
- the reactor is limited to either a short range teleporter (also used
- to transport objects from different sections of the ship) and/or
- access bridge. Either one may be found in the Engineering Service
- room. Large computer displays are also located here.
- Mess Hall/Kitchen: A nice view of space can be seen here along with tables
- and seats to accommodate hungry space marines.
- Service paths/Air Ducts: In here are tunnels which the service crew use to
- get from one place to another. They usually leave a copy of access
- cards in lockers here. One can also find a waste disposal unit here.
- For emergency situations, a rocket launcher is provided in a force
- field protected room. Some rooms are covered with wires, pipes and
- stuff which may hinder their visiblity. Maps are valuable here.